corner corner
St. Louis Missouri
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Conference Speakers

Claire Le Goues

Carnegie Mellon University

Dahlia Malkhi

VMware Research

Casey Muratori

Molly Rocket

Justine Sherry

Carnegie Mellon University

Marius Watz


Nobuko Yoshida

Imperial College, London

Conference Location

September 15th, 2016

Union Station Doubletree

1820 Market St.

St. Louis, MO 63103

(314) 231-1234

Conference Agenda

7:00 - 9:30 Strange Loop Party at the City Museum - 750 N 16th St

*Lunch and Snacks are provided by PWLConf and will be located outside the venue on 20th St.
Lunch provided by Guerilla Street Food
Snack provided by Clementine's Creamery

Two Sigma and Comcast are Platinum Sponsors of PWLConf 2016